Monday, June 18, 2012

A Haze.

Diary of the Young and Married: A Haze.
So, this week has been off the charts insanity! It started off beautifully with one of my best friends giving birth to her beautiful baby girl. Meet Avianna Lynn, isn’t she gorgeous. I spent much of Wednesday and Thursday with her. Then of course I was called from her arrival to head to my gyno appointment early and, well, I’ve already ranted and raved about that. 

Friday morning I had an 8 am refresher class for work and it was awful. These classes are getting to be very repetitive and I feel like they are a waste of my time, although, I am getting paid for them. At this point, I was able to tell I wouldn’t be seeing much of my Husband this weekend. I left there, ran a few errands, went home and cleaned the house and then off to work overnight. I think it might be an understatement if I were to say this was a calm night, it was so ridiculously slow in the hospital! By 1 am I was practically fighting my eyelids to stay open. 

I got a few hours of sleep but woke up early so I can spend Saturday at the creek with my Husband’s family…that is until I headed straight from there back to work another overnight. (FYI, I absolutely hate working the three in a rows). Husband has missed me and he was so appreciative of me waking up to be with him, but of course, I wouldn’t have missed that time with him for the world. Another long night at work but I was way passed tired, I felt like running a marathon that morning but of course the one time I feel this way it pours rain. So…sleep. 

Woke up early again because Sunday was, not only Father’s Day, but also my niece’s First Birthday! I couldn’t miss it, not for anything. I took my work clothes with me and it all went way too fast. I didn’t want to leave my Husband again, but the truth is we really need the money so I really just had to learn to suck it up. So, last night at work, Husband and I shared some sappy texts and I somehow forced myself through my last night. Of course, I’m not sleeping, I came home, changed and then ran with a new friend/running partner. I feel energized, not a bone in my body is sleepy, I’m way past sleepy. Husband is sleeping in the bedroom and he just looks way to peaceful and sweet to wake. I plan on making him a very nice dinner tonight, we could use this. 

Tonight the plan is to sit down and come up with our new savings plan, some things are going to have to change if we’re ever going to get back on track. I don’t know if it’s all the stress of money, the new information about possibly having endo, or just the fact that I feel like this whole weekend was an out of body experience, whatever it is I’ve been pretty down. I apologized to Husband last night because I’m sure it’s awful having to deal with all that. It’s as if my body was here this weekend but my soul was somewhere else. Nothing like a three day stretch of insanity to bring you crawling home to your sweetheart. I can’t believe how well he puts up with me, he deserves a serious prize. I love this man. I guess this is just how it is, I mean the busy lifestyle. This is how we’ve earned everything we have so far and that will never change. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Until next time,

-A Wife.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Coming to terms with the TRUTH

My posts as of lately have been a little flustered, I know. Some of you are aware that Husband and I recently decided to put a halt on having children. Although, before this decision we had tried conceiving for a little over a year. Truth be told we actually have never in the two and a half years we’ve been married used any contraceptives or protection of any sort. I was well aware (in the very back of my mind) that this is the definition of infertility but since we weren’t ‘actively pursuing pregnancy’, I stored that scary information into the very back of my mind. 

On Wednesday, I went to my first ever (yes, I know, first ever?!) gynecology appointment. I was afraid of what he might say about my awful menstrual cycle and my constant pain, but I think a part of me already knew. He informed me of the two things that I tried so hard to deny, that I am in fact infertile and that it could very well be Endometriosis causing my infertility. I felt my stomach fall out my butt as he made it all reality. I know that I just found this out and that there are still so many other things to consider and so many more tests I am going to be undergoing, but just hearing it out loud from a professional put a big hole in me. I finally came to this huge decision to wait longer to have children and now I find that it could be even longer, if at all that I could carry. I stayed strong, knowing that I still don’t have all the answers yet and am trying to not jump to conclusions. Seeking information has been my constant state of being for the past 48 hours. 

“It takes some couples years to get pregnant, so don’t worry.” 

“At least you don’t have cysts or cancer.”

“Well, when the time is right, it will happen for you.”

That is all I’ve been hearing and to be honest, as kind as people are being, this is not helping. I’m a realist and in reality it’s been almost three years! When we do decide to have children, how long will it take us, if it’s even possible? And how much is this going to cost us? And why does it have to happen to me? Doc said that he has scheduled an transvaginal ultrasound 6 weeks from Wednesday to find out if this is in fact Endo and if it is we will then discuss our next steps as far as stopping the pain. He said when we are ready for children he will discuss our options with us. Options…this word sounds so optimistic and yet it’s terrifying me as if we only have so many things to chose from. How much should I put my body through? How long is too long? What if I never do get pregnant? 

Well, Husband and I have always had one thing in our minds. That if in fact this were the case, not being able to carry a child, that we would adopt. It would mean that this is happening to be because God entrusted us with another duty, that we were meant for adoption, needed rather. I know this is only the beginning stages of a very long journey but how can you help having all of this in your head?! I just can’t stop thinking, raking my brain for answers. 

I spent Wednesday night on the couch in tears. I don’t want Husband to know how stressed and upset this makes me because I know that he, too is a little hurt. Even if he acts like it’s still too soon to tell. So instead, I just sat out here on the couch wishing Grandfather were still here because for some reason he was the only person I wanted to talk to, THE ONLY ONE. Too many what-if’s, not enough understanding. I need understanding, I need to know what the future is going to hold, no matter how hard I try, I am having a very hard time focusing on the here and now. 

-A Wife.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Do you ever look at your life and remember all at once all of the little moments that led to where you are at now?

  • I used to volunteer to stay late at work because I knew if I did he’d ask if I  wanted to join him for late night dinner with our co-workers.
  • My phone once got turned off without me knowing and he drove all the way to my house because he was worried I wasn’t answering because I was no longer interested in him.
  • We used to beg and beg until one of us decided to stay over with the other.
  • After his grandmother passed I was awaken by a phone call from his room mate about his nightmare and drove in the middle of the night to comfort him.
  • He used to wait outside my high school on his motorcycle just to see me before work.
  • He would stand outside my job with flowers until I got out just to say goodnight or go for a quick ride on the bike.
  • We once drove out to the waterfalls and sat for hours talking about what we both wanted out of a relationship and in life.
  • He whispered to me that he loved me before we even started dating.
  • I watched movies all night while he lay on my lap bruised and beat up. 
  • During a short break up we went out for coffee that ended in a kiss and a commitment to one another. 
After all this time I still can’t believe how fairy tale my life has turned out to be, even if we have been struggling to make some payments and have been almost too busy to see each other at times. I really have been blessed! They say that your actions and what you’ve done in your past and present defines who you have become and likewise, our moments together have really defined our marriage and made it what it is today. 
it’s definitely worth the fight.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


There was a time when I would have found it nearly impossible that I could be where I am now. I really don't think I had as much ambition as I do with Husband in my life. 

Bedtime Story: My life before my Husband.
Before I met Husband I was dating someone (we'll call him X) and we had been together nearly two years. Yes, it is true, I'm the "relationship girl". This was some label put on my in middle school that carried onto my high school years, slightly amusing to me but at some level confusing, as well. For some reason I can't really put my finger on, my mother and I almost never got along. It was almost as if I was being driven away. I spent most of my time with X and my mom welcomed that. Like if he were around than we didn't have to put up with each other as much. I can't really explain it. We were on different wavelengths and my sisters hated everyone I spoke to, friends I mean, even boyfriends. It was like I was separate from my family before I met Husband. I was mature for my age and it was kind of frustrating to be the only one in my group of friends with no drama and no understanding of drama itself. My relationships were so private, people always assumed they were perfect because we didn't speak about our relationship to others. I felt as if things were to be kept between the two of us. We did have a good, drama free relationship but I knew something was wrong and I suspect now it's because I was lying to myself. I didn't know what I really wanted and kind of made things up as I went. When I found out X had "cheated on me"(later finding out that's not exactly what happened), I was crushed and couldn't stop crying long enough to give me the strength to leave my bedroom. My mother didn't understand she was angry. I vowed to be different when I had my own daughter. Something happened when I met Husband and I'm really not quite sure what it is. We started to talk more, I grew closer, she no longer picked fights with me, she saw me as an adult, she and I were happy. I don't understand what difference he made but it was as if his presence made us all happy, not just me. If it weren't for him I'd be living in another city with a party animal ex-best friend and still trying to figure out what I want to do. I would be lonely and confused. The way I was before him. In all honesty, I guess being with Husband has saved me. Maybe it's the fact that he is older, maybe it's the fact that I grew up, marrying and all that, I don't know but sometimes I wonder if my mother and I would have ever rekindled our relationship had I not fallen in love with Husband. 

What is it about men that make us lose our balance, or is it  find our balance? 
Sometimes when we fight I feel relieved but other times I feel this loneliness that is so painful that it seems irrational. It must be, I mean I guess when you fall head over heels in love, most of your emotions do become irrational. The truth is I may have married young but it was the best thing that could have ever happened for me and now I actually have something to look forward to. Sometimes this though process just happens. Usually when I'm watching my Husband and I mean really watching him, counting my blessings...

-A Wife, thinking out loud.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Days Ago

It's been a while since I've crept onto my page at all, a few days ago Husband and I had one of the best days! It was so perfect and it's one that would be impossible to do over again. I am so so happy and so is my Husband, which makes me even more happy. Our day was all about us, every bit of it and it was so appreciated. We need more days like that one, every days good but usually fuzzy with the hustle and bustle of work and school and life that we forget to relax with one another. 
Our day started with a bike ride, one that was extremely thrilling and we had shower smiles (inside joke) the entire time. Hearing my Husband laugh out loud from his joy of driving his motorcycle makes me giggle like a little school girl and blush like I'm being flirted with. He had me pick where we ate, "today is your day, I want to do whatever it is you want." These were his words. I think it had a lot to do with our last fight, we learn so much when words are spoken, or even more so, yelled. 

I knew I could deprive him of a random drop in to the gun store. Men and their toys, he just holds them and oogles at them. Even though I'm bored I like to watch him because I know it's something he loves, which makes me curious as to what it is that attracts him to certain hobbies, I get it. Oh, and no matter where we go he ALWAYS get his usual at each restaurant, which is why I find it so funny that he spends so much time staring into his menu. He will ask for time to look and think so heavily about it...then he gets his same 'ol order. I laugh every time because I know the menus are useless and yet he puts so much thought into it.

My favorite part of the day was when we spent two whole hours inside, doing nothing but wrapping ourselves into blankets on the couch, with coffee, reading to ourselves. It was so relaxing and at one point, Husband came out of the bedroom, when I caught him staring at me he said, "I love this, I really love this."
Me too, babe.

As usual, we ended our day with a long walk with our pup and it was nice to get some fresh air and just have a slow, steady walk. We love looking at different houses and getting ideas of what our future "dream" home will look like, we always point out little details we love and they stay printed in my mind. This is what I wish every single day could be like, but then there are bills to be paid and errands to run. It does make days like this one even more special. 

-A Wife.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Deja Vu

            Today was Esah day, yet again. My little sister is almost like a child to us, we are so so close and she and Husband love each other, which just makes my heart melt. Sometimes, when the two of us are having a bad day and she asks to come over, it's as if all wounds heal up and we forget our anger and submit to happiness in a day with her. I think she pulls Husband's heart strings, he's never been close to any men in her life and he's always been there for her. 

She and I went to The Falls today while our man of the house was working. It was so cool out and beautiful, some days I need this and even though I was exhausted I was so happy to be out, of course we ended up rushing home when we realized the time, to meet Husband home. 

She was starving when we got home, since Husband wasn't hungry she ate all of his spaghetti! Of course he was hungry minutes later, so what did we do? Braums, I mean after all, he was hungry and we needed ice cream. It wouldn't be an Esah day without Ice Cream...and games.

 Jenga and Candyland, anyone?
Me: Strawberry, Esah: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Chip
Scotty: Cookie Dough and Peanut Butter Cup

I've said this before and you'll probably hear it time and time again, he is going to be a great father and seeing his love for her is quite an eye opener of what the future holds. 
I have such a blessed life and I know it only gets better from here on out. Please take note, never let a good day turn bad over something small and always be grateful for every day that you wake. 

-A Wife.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Our week begins

Husband left for work around 9:55 am, I kept telling myself that when he did I would wake up, get ready, go workout, go get more job applications, see Grandpa’s grave all before work tonight. So what do I do? I go right back to sleep until his mother calls me. She just got a facebook and thought that one of the edited, goofy pictures was her baby falling off his motorcycle. um, nope. She is way too funny, needless to say, I’m up. I made myself a delicious solo breakfast, this day is about to begin. 

Yesterday was great. My mom had a little BBQ for Memorial Day/little cousin’s birthday party and it was so incredibly relaxing. For the first time in a while being with all of our family didn’t stress us out. We ate and set out in the sun just talking for hours while all the little kids played in the pool. We started to talk about the vacations we want to take when Husband brought up our honeymoon vacation and I told him, “we always plan on saving but all of your new toys cost just as much as our vacation and we end up spending on those instead.” I’m glad I said something because he told me that we would have the money for whatever I wanted and that this was something I deserved and it was my turn to have that. I was so surprised but mainly relieved. My psychotic planning has begun, later I woke up and saw that he added things to our Bucket List (the one he didn’t seem to interested in before). I think this man shocks me more and more over the years. 
Being married, you don’t think about yourself as much so it’s awesome when your partner puts the extra effort into you instead of themselves and allows you the upper hand. That’s how it should be, thinking of the other person and giving to one another, with no hidden agenda, just because you love that person. There are so many things we hope to accomplish and I believe that we will if we keep doing things the way that we’re doing them. 
-A Wife

Friday, May 25, 2012

Let's talk, seriously.

I have my moments, moments where I just feel like it’s the right time that certain things are talked about. Unfortunately, the only real issue I have to talk to him about is something I don’t see changing any time soon. I completely understand where he is coming from, I understand why he feels the way he feels it’s just that I could never feel the same way. 
Issue: Family
My point: Once you marry, you have made a vow to leave your immediate family to start a family of your own. A life where your significant other comes first no matter what the situation.
His view: Family, your blood. They have seen you through it all, they are there no matter what and no one knows the things you’ve seen like your…brothers. 

It is really hard for me to say this because it is such a touchy subject when it comes to you and your spouse, family. For me, my Husband comes first, always. I stick up for him all of the time and back him up…even when I feel he is wrong, if he is that is something we discuss in the privacy of our own home. He completely understands where I’m coming from and has always shown that but he just doesn’t act on it. There are many reasons for this and I can’t really explain it to you as well as I could if you knew his family. It’s the hardest thing. I always take his word for it, he takes their’s. I cannot wrap my mind around that. So that’s why this time my words were this:
“I understand that you feel that way and I understand that it’s difficult for you but I have this view and it’s hard for me. I don’t ask you to stray from them or your views but I want you to understand that it can be really hurtful. That’s all, every once in a while this subject will come up because it does hurt.”
Husband says,”I want you to understand how much I appreciate this sacrifice. Your sacrifice to handle my family and our relationships is much greater than any sacrifice I’ve had to make and it has not gone unnoticed.” 
I am so happy that I’m in a marriage where we can have discussions like these and talk to each other this way, it may be difficult but it’s also healthy. We have very different views here but we love one another so much that it’s something we share our words, accept, and agree to disagree. I’m not sure how exactly to explain, in full detail, the situations that lead to these conversations and I hate the way it makes me feel but I’m lucky to have a Husband that can talk through these things with me. I just can’t help but wonder if this is something I’ll have to worry about forever…I wonder if when we have a child it will change. Only time will tell. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stories from our Thursday

It's a miracle, Husband and I both had this whole day off and completely free! I slept in seeing as how I didn't get to sleep until 4:30 am. Afterwards we went out and donated an entire car full of stuff to the DAV, a thrift/donation store. I love donating and volunteering because it is so fulfilling, plus, Husband was glad to get rid of all the junk I had sitting in the living room. We had lunch at Subway and walked it off at the Mall. He's even cute when he eats, of course, that's the wife in me talking.
For about an hour and a half Husband went on a motorcycle ride with his dad and I made this!
Husband and I have so many things we'd like to accomplish and this is the start to our Bucket List. Every time we do one of these things, we'll pin the index card on the opposite side and write the date on it. My husband likes it, he doesn't really know what to think of all my projects but this is something for the both of us. I'm pretty proud of it and it leaves so much of our future up to us.
We had a little snack, okay, not so little but a little froyo never hurt anyone. His flavors of choice are Brownie Batter and Cheesecake yogurts, topped with brownie bites and gummy worms. Mine? Well, I usually like brownie and peanut butter but this time I got Strawberry and Cheesecake, topped with rasberries, strawberries, blueberries, and cheesecake bites. I've been waiting weeks to eat this, a craving I have often. My amazing Husband fed into it. We sat next to a group of older women talking bad about co-workers and that was interesting enough. Husband's words were, "Man, I'm glad I'm not a female." You said it, sir. 
What better way to spend a Thursday then stopping in to the pet store so Husband can play with his favorite animals, he is a kitten fanatic. I love that he turns into a big baby when it comes to these little kittens. 
This day couldn't have ended better. We took our malamute for a nice walk, it is way too nice outside not to. Although, he's a bit of a mangy mutt with his fur shedding and all these nasty patches he's got going on, but even then if I had a dollar for every time someone stopped to ask about him or say that we have a good looking dog, well, I'd be making about $6 a day. Husband has to be the one to hold on to this pup, he's just to big for me to hold onto.

This is what this handsome fella looks like while grocery shopping. I think it's important for a married couple to do their grocery shopping together, at least for the first few years of their marriage. Why? Because it's the perfect opportunity to talk and a lot can come up while out getting groceries. Also, setting a budget and making bets on the end price is a fun little game to play. It can also bring you closer, running errands together and doing the dirty work together. Lessons learned. 

Husband cooked me a nice Cajun pasta meal with Tilapia while I cleaned the house up. Our plan is to spend the night eating while watching the Red Box movies we rented. So far, so good. 

There is so much happiness we share in this marriage. We're a team and we share the good and the bad. Unfortunately, not everyday can be like this one, but if it was we wouldn't share the passion we share. Society has a very jaded view on young marriage and I don't blame them, most people give them reason to. Hopefully Husband and I can shine a new light on things. For now, we're just taking it day by day.

-A Wife.

Dearest Love,

Do you remember how it happened? How often do you re-live our little moments in your mind? Is it totally bizarre that we've come so far? I was just thinking how far you've come as an individual and how much I admire and look up to you. Do you know what an influence you've become in my life and how lost I'd be without you? There are so many small moments that led me to believe you were the one.

That time you cleaned up my mess when we were both waiting tables and I sucked. 

That time I saw your beat up face and wanted nothing more than for you to feel better.

That time I was so nervous knowing you were going to sit next to me when you got to IHOP.

That time you waited for me for over an hour to get off work, just so you could say goodnight.

That time you brought me flowers at work, wondering when I'd be ready for a relationship with you.

That time we kissed in the parking lot and it was the first kiss that I ever felt true magic.

That time you whispered you loved me in front of everyone and neither of us were sure where this was going.

That time you drove me to the falls so we could just sit and talk about our lives.

That time when we weren't together but couldn't be apart.

That time you asked me to be your girlfriend and actually gave me your class ring.

Every moment that led to our relationship has become a part of me, every memory having its own place in my heart and when I think back to them I want so badly to go back in time and watch it happen, like a love story on film, only it's our story. It's strange to me that there could have been a reality where we weren't together. I never expected this and I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that right now, in this moment, you and I are sitting in OUR home, preparing to cuddle up in OUR bed, and in the process discussing what's next in OUR future. You are my everything and I only hope and pray that the ones we care most about can one day be as happy as we are. I have never felt so lifted, the way I do every time you look at me, speak to me, laugh with me, or talk about me. This is all I've ever wanted in life and you are all I'll ever need.

You  have opened my eyes to so many truths, so much joy. God has blessed me in this life and led me to the one man I know is worth any sacrifice. You deserve more than I know how to give. 

-A Wife.

"Everything worked out so perfect for you." -Best Friend, Chelcee on my marriage.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Broke Folks

We have $4 to our name, until we get paid this weekend that is. Bills are the worst, growing up is a pain, and working so hard is exhausting, but the fact that we're doing things the right way, earning every bit of our success on our own is enough to make me happy. I always tell Husband, "I'd live in a box with you if I had to". I'm only 21 years old, Husband is 24 and we own our home, 2 vehicles plus a motorcycle, we have groceries stalked at all times and he's paying off college loans, while I'm still a student. I'd say having $4 in the bank is because we're on the right track, almost all of our bills are paid for the month and we owe no one or no place any money. We're at a better place now than either of our parents were at our age, we'll be where his parents are now in just a few years, which is very comforting. We're both so happy and so blessed already, just a few more years of hard times and hard work and we'll be exactly where we worked so hard to be. No one ever said that the real world was going to be easy, we never even expected it to be. I'm okay, in this moment in time, knowing that we're okay with just that $4 in the bank for this week. I'd like a late I can't have and maybe to go shopping, but I know what's appropriate and I know my boundaries, so for now it's DIY and homemade iced coffee for us. This is all okay by me!
The only thing that would make this all a little better is if Husband and I actually got to see each other today, with him working the day and me working the night, but hey you can't always choose these things, and it makes our moments together even sweeter. 

-A Wife

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A New Day: Letting go.

Last night was rough for Husband and I, not all days are perfect. Today we decided to let go and let today be good great. After Husband got off work we went grocery shopping and then out for ice cream!
Husband had Peanut Butter Cup and Cookies 'N' Cream and I had the Premium Ice Cream Cone. Afterwards Husband cooked some bacon, chicken sandwiches for me! We had a pretty awesome night and all night we will be watching movies and loving on each other, because that's the way it should be. 

Not all days are perfect, if they were we'd all be bored and not in love and passionate enough to fight for the things that matter. At least today was a good make-up day, which we deserved. This has been a rant/check-in for no apparent reason other than to say hello, there is a beautiful outcome to some of the hardest times, to all you young married couples out there who sometimes need the reminder.

-A Wife.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's in store for the Hasty family?

This summer I would love to change things up. We want to travel and do things before we decide to have children, but in order to do things like this you need money. So what's a full-time employee/student with a hard working (almost everyday) husband suppose to do? Well Mrs. Hasty spends all day doing yard work and looking for a second job, just for the summer. I thought this would be easy, although, I'm not sure why. There is very little that can discourage me so this is only the beginning. This summer I want to fill the yard with beautiful flowers and a clean house, I want to travel and have a million BBQ's. When you ask for a lot, you have to work a lot. Husband is already doing more than enough and I need to do my part. We are so young and so alive, I would hate to waste all these beautiful days whining and doing absolutely nothing. I have work to do.
If one day I could have a home like this one, all of my dreams would have been answered. Okay, okay, not all of them but a large dream! There's little I need and little I don't have that I want. My dream home is one of those things. Husband has every intention of making this happen, days like this one open my eyes to the many challenges life has thrown at us and that this is something we both deserve. This summer is the start of many productive days of hard work, to earn what we want. Dreams are of plenty, ambition is something that many couples who marry young lack. Not us. Welcome to the new plan, ACHIEVEMENT.

-A  Wife.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MIA: The breakdown.

God bless this man for being as patient and supportive as he is. Today I got a dose of how much he's had to endure the past few days from me. I have done nothing but be consumed by my busy lifestyle and he's right when he says that I need to just take a minute to do nothing with him. On top of the many errands we've had to run for birthdays and holidays, we've been completely broke and I haven't had the time to do my share of things around the house. Dishes are piling up, laundry needing done and a good clean sweep is much needed. Finals were yesterday and today and after today, I'm back to being everything I was before this week, I know I haven't given him all the thanks he deserves for dealing with my in and out of the house behavior. I need a day with this man to show just how much I appreciate that. 

I didn't help much on Mother's Day when I bickered with his brother for an hour straight, and (tmi) I'm sure the poor guy is sexually frustrated, as am I. Now that school has completely sucked the life out of me, I can focus on the summer I'll have with my family. 
Today I woke up while he was getting ready for work to study and I think I've taken in all I can, even though I still don't feel confident about this exam, and he called, from work none the less, "Hi, I just needed to call and say that and say that I love you and miss you so much." He called to say just that, that was all, so I knew then I needed to just stop everything and make this week a dedication to my man. I cannot believe that through all this week we made it without a spat, because we took complete responsibility for every action, this is who we've become and I'm so proud. We have matured so much and weeks like these before would have damaged bits of time we did have together, we beat you young, busy lifestyle! Until further notice, this week I'm declaring it Husband week, it's well deserved.

-A Wife.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


This weekend, it was everything I needed right before my three final exams.
Friday night I went to my little sister's field trip to George Washington Carver National Monument, where she talked me into allowing her to stay the night. She stays with us at least four or five times a month and the poor thing missed Husband (they're extremely close).
After dinner with a friend, Husband and little sister ate dinner together while I stayed up all night studying for finals. I love how close they are because she and I are furthest apart and yet the closest. I practically raised her until I married and now she spends so much of her time with us!

Husband and Sister planned a bedroom attack so I would wake up early and make them a delicious breakfast. I love getting up and making every meal throughout our days, it's so much healthier and I always feel like a good wife. My sister really appreciates this because, being the youngest and the last at home, she doesn't get real home-cooked meals often.

After our breakfast we did some workouts, relaxed, got ready for the day and then lunch time meant a picnic at the park, playing on the slide and feeding the geese. It was windy but so beautiful.

Every time I see pictures like these, I can feel a lump in my throat, one for cries of happiness. How did I get so blessed to have a man like this one, so close to her. It's precious and I know that one day he will make an incredible father. 
For Mother's Day we visited all the beautiful mothers in our lives and spent the whole entire day with family, which isn't always relaxing but worth it in the end, always. This is my mother. She had me at seventeen and had gone through so much, I'm still not sure how she is raising/has raised four girls. She is so strong, so brave. She and I have had our share of hard times and I'm so happy to say we're in such a good place these days. I am so blessed to have her as my mother. 

The night had to end with some baking, that is before I spend all night long studying. I made Peanut Butter 'n' Jelly cake. Unfortunately my lack of patience ruined the prettiness of my cake but at least I have icing to glue the pieces together.

Husband and I have had the best weekend together. After finals tomorrow we have that last day before work takes over again and we become consumed with our busy lifestyles. I'm hoping for another perfect weekend next week and hopefully a healthier one, also. This has been a novel, signing out.

-A Wife.