Thursday, June 7, 2012

Days Ago

It's been a while since I've crept onto my page at all, a few days ago Husband and I had one of the best days! It was so perfect and it's one that would be impossible to do over again. I am so so happy and so is my Husband, which makes me even more happy. Our day was all about us, every bit of it and it was so appreciated. We need more days like that one, every days good but usually fuzzy with the hustle and bustle of work and school and life that we forget to relax with one another. 
Our day started with a bike ride, one that was extremely thrilling and we had shower smiles (inside joke) the entire time. Hearing my Husband laugh out loud from his joy of driving his motorcycle makes me giggle like a little school girl and blush like I'm being flirted with. He had me pick where we ate, "today is your day, I want to do whatever it is you want." These were his words. I think it had a lot to do with our last fight, we learn so much when words are spoken, or even more so, yelled. 

I knew I could deprive him of a random drop in to the gun store. Men and their toys, he just holds them and oogles at them. Even though I'm bored I like to watch him because I know it's something he loves, which makes me curious as to what it is that attracts him to certain hobbies, I get it. Oh, and no matter where we go he ALWAYS get his usual at each restaurant, which is why I find it so funny that he spends so much time staring into his menu. He will ask for time to look and think so heavily about it...then he gets his same 'ol order. I laugh every time because I know the menus are useless and yet he puts so much thought into it.

My favorite part of the day was when we spent two whole hours inside, doing nothing but wrapping ourselves into blankets on the couch, with coffee, reading to ourselves. It was so relaxing and at one point, Husband came out of the bedroom, when I caught him staring at me he said, "I love this, I really love this."
Me too, babe.

As usual, we ended our day with a long walk with our pup and it was nice to get some fresh air and just have a slow, steady walk. We love looking at different houses and getting ideas of what our future "dream" home will look like, we always point out little details we love and they stay printed in my mind. This is what I wish every single day could be like, but then there are bills to be paid and errands to run. It does make days like this one even more special. 

-A Wife.

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